영어 말하기 대회, Speech 쓰는 법에 대한 도움 자료

아래와 같은 구조로 대본을 작성한다.

1. Title
-Speech의 주제를 말해준다.
-흥미롭고interesting, 사회적이며social, 논쟁할 만하고controversial, 현재 문제가 되며contemporary, 구체적이고concrete, 나름대로 참신한 creative주제가 좋음.
-글의 제목은 장황한 문장이 아니고, 함축적이고 의미심장한 어구가 적당함.

2. 인사 (Greeting)
예)-Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.
-Good evening, students, parents, and judges.

3. 도입 (Opening)
다음과 같은 방법 중 하나를 사용하면 좋다.
*Anecdote: 청중의 관심을 주의를 끌기 위해 예화를 든다.
*Questions:청중들을 Speech로 끌어들여 한번 생각을 해볼 수 있게 하는 질문을 던진다.
예) - What would you do if the world ended tomorrow?
-Have you ever thought about your future after 10 years?
-When was the last time you surfed the internet?
-What do you think of first when you hear the word youth?
*Use Quotes:잘 알려진 인용구를 사용한다.
*Factual statement that will impact the audience: 청중들의 관심을 끌만한 통계자료나 사실을 알려준다.
예)According to Daily Chosun, one in the three of you will …
*Make an interesting or controversial statement.

4. 문제제기 (Present a problem)
-주제와 관련된 문제를 제기한다.

5. 문제에 대한 설명 (Explain the Problem)
-문제와 관련된 정보(데이터, 인터넷 자료, 통계자료, 도서관자료 등)를 제공하고 그 문제를 구체적으로 설명한다.
-문제제기와 문제에 대한 설명이 본문을 이룬다. 본문을 쓸 때 주제를 뒷받침하는 방향으로 논지를 펴가는 것을 잊지 말 것.

6. 조언과 결말(Advice and Closing)
-문제 해결책을 제안하고 마무리를 짓는다.
-청중에게 감사를 표시함으로써 Speech를 맺는다..

1. 자신의 주장을 강하게 펼 수 있는 주제를 선정한다. 그 주제에 대한 정보를 쉽게 얻을 수 있는 것이어야 한다.
2. 주제에 관하여 최대한 많은 정보를 수집하여 개요를 작성한다.
3. 작성된 개요를 중심으로 자신의 주장을 뒷받침할 수 있는 소주제들을 정한다.
4. Speech 대본의 초안을 작성한다. 주제에 대하여 수집된 정보를 최대한 활용하여 개요대로 글을 직접 써본다.
5. 초안을 발표를 하는 것처럼 직접 읽어 본 후, 시간이 얼마나 걸리는지 정확히 측정하고, 길거나 짧을 경우 다시 초안을 수정한다.
6. 완성된 초안을 다시 읽은 후, 어색한 부분을 교정하고, 주변의 다른 사람들에게도 교정을 의뢰한다. (자신이 발견하지 못하는 오류를 다른 사람이 쉽게 찾는 경우가 많음)

*좋은 Speech는 청중들 가슴에 닿게 말을 하는 것이다. 이를 위하여 “you”를 사용한다.
1) 질문하기
-Have you every seen a child die from starvation?
-How many of you smoke cigarettes? How many want to quit?
2) 지시하기 (Give instructions)
-Think about your family for a moment. Picture them all together around the dinner table. Now, imagine them all gone, missing or dead, and your home destroyed.
-When you leave this hall today, think about what you can do…think about how you can make a difference.

*Powerful한 Speech를 위해서는 문제의 심각성을 알려주기 위한 구체적인 정보가 필요하다.
예) A nuclear accident like the one at Chernobyl could kill millions of people if it happened near a major city. The nearest nuclear plant is only 30 miles away.

Bad example) It’s sinking, you know!
Good example) As reported by Frank Ford’s Senatorial Task Force, the city of Baloosa is sinking at a rate of three inches a year.

-주제를 정한 후 정보 수집을 위해 internet, 도서관, 신문, 백과사전, 잡지 등을 잘 활용한다.

*좋은 Speech는 설득력이 있으며, Speech를 듣는 많은 사람들이 공감할 수 있어야 한다. 청중의 지성과 감성에 동시에 호소할 수 있도록 한다. (지나친 감성에의 호소는 금물) 지식의 주입보다는 영감을 불어넣어주는 Speech가 되도록 한다. (Inspiring speech)

-정해진 시간을 준수한다.
-No monotonous recitation of your speech: 외워서 한다는 인상을 주지 말 것. 마음에서 나오는 얘기처럼 자연스럽게 할 수 있어야 한다.
-Appearance matters!: 깔끔하고 단정한 옷차림과 외모.
-Speak clearly and adjust your voice so that everyone can hear you: 또박또박 말하고 모두가 들을 수 있도록 적당한 크기의 목소리로 한다.
(Don’t shout for the sake of being loud: 우리나라의 웅변처럼 크게 소리지르는 것은 좋지 않다. 중요한 부분만 강조를 해주어야 하는 것이지 Speech내내 소리를 질러야 하는 것은 아니다.)
-Effectively used, a pause in your speech can be used to emphasize a point, or to allow the audience to react to a fact, anecdote, joke, etc.
-Make eye contact with your audience: Eye Contact를 통해 관중들에게 더 크게 호소할 수 있다. 천정만 쳐다보거나 눈을 깔고 Speech를 하는 것은 금물.
-Use hand gestures effectively: 손을 주머니에 넣고 있거나, 가만히 있는 것은 금물. 적절하게 제스쳐를 써주면 좋다.
-Most importantly, be yourself, allow your personality to come across in your speech: Speech는 편안하고 자연스럽게! Have confidence! Let the butterfly fly out of your stomach!

-다음 예문은 이번 영어 말하기 대회의 주제와는 별 상관이 없으나 Speech Writing을 어떻게 할지에 대해서 참조하시기 바랍니다.

Have a Good Smoke - It Could Be Your Last

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.

When I was young, I used to love to play with my Uncle Milton. We used to play hide-and-seek all around the house. Then, after I was tired, we would sit on the front steps and Uncle Milton would tell stories of his travels in Africa and India. It was like visiting a magical world. I miss my Uncle Milton. I miss his warm smile and his laughter. You see, he died of lung cancer, and the doctors said it was from smoking cigarettes. It is in memory of Uncle Milton that I want to tell you today about the very real dangers of smoking.

I believe smoking is one of the greatest dangers to young people today. You see, while the health risks of smoking have become well known in the United States over the past ten years, while the percentage of American high school students smoking cigarettes has fallen, while the sales of cigarettes in the United States have also gone down, the problem has become worse and worse in many other countries. American companies spend millions of dollars advertising cigarettes all over the world, and young people believe the message. The ads tell them that smoking is cool, hip, sophisticated, sexy, and done by attractive people. Smoking is more grown up. Smoking is the way to attract a lover. This is what too many young people believe, but it is not the truth. What is the real truth about smoking cigarettes? The real truth is that smoking cigarettes is the fast road to pain, suffering, incredible medical bills and an early death. Is that the gift you want to give your family?

You may ask, what is it that makes smoking so dangerous? What’s the problem? Well, let me explain. There are three deadly parts of the smoke you breathe in when you smoke cigarettes. They are nicotine, tar, and carbon monoxide. Nicotine is the drug that stimulates your heart and nerves. It makes you feel good for a few minutes. Nicotine is what makes you want to smoke, but it is not what hurts you the most. Tar is also found in tobacco smoke, and tar is the major cause of cancer and lung disease. The third deadly part of cigarette smoke is carbon monoxide. This chemical hurts the blood’s ability to carry oxygen. It can cause disease of the blood pathways called arteries.

Next, I’d like to tell you about the effects of smoking over a long period of time. People who continue to smoke are in danger of getting many serious diseases. These include emphysema, chronic bronchitis, heart disease, lung cancer, and many other kinds of cancer as well. According to the American Cancer Society, cigarette smoking is responsible for 87 percent of lung cancer cases, and causes 30 percent of all cancer deaths. There are many long, slow, and painful deaths from what many people think of as just a bad habit. When you add the gigantic medical costs of hospitals, special treatments, medication and doctors’ care, the tragedy of smoking gets even bigger. Even with insurance, families can lose everything they have when one member dies from cancer or lung disease. Companies lose money, too. When they lose workers, their work slows down. It’s not a pretty picture.

Yet one more cost of the destruction from smoking is not possible to calculate in terms of money. That cost is emotional. When a family loses a parent or a brother or sister, everyone suffers from the sadness and personal loss. Please, the next time you think of lighting up a cigarette, don’t think about being cool or fashionable. Don’t think about being one of the trendy people, and please don’t think about your short-term pleasures. Remember your family, your friends, and all the people who care about you. As for me, I remember my Uncle Milton, and how he just wasn’t there when I was growing up. He wasn’t there when I needed an uncle and a friend. He was only an empty space in my life and a sad memory. If you want to smoke a cigarette, think of this - this cigarette, or the next one, could be your last.

Thank you.

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