From the editor


After Germany was defeated in the war, a list containing 8 million Nazis was found. The
news was of course not a good one to the people enrolled in the list. They were once very
proud of being in the list of Nazis, which naturally meant the privilege, the power and the
wealth in those days. This list was once the key to the door of social hierarchy, however,
the situations came reverse and it now forced the ones in the list to face up the
examinations, the prisons and the death.

There are lots of lists like Nazis list, black list and Schuindler list and etc. Only by being
enrolled in the list, one may confront the harms and the other may receive the benefits,
however, the list itself was not something at all. There is a list one must belong to and the
other list one must not belong to in any possible way.

In chapter 5 of Genesis, there is the book of genealogy of Adam.
" And Adam lived a hundred and thirty years, and begat a son in his own likeness, after his
image; and called his name Seth: And the days of Adam after he had begotten Seth were
eight hundred years: and he begat sons and daughters: And all the days that Adam lived
were nine hundred and thirty years: and he died. And Seth lived a hundred and five years,
and begat Enos: ... And all the days of SEth were nine hundred and twelve years: and he
died. And Enos lived ninety years, and begat Cainan: ... And all the days of Enos were nine
hundred and five years: and he died." (Genessi 5:3-11)

All the people in this book of genealogy of Adam ended up with the death. No matter how
big one`s fame was or how trivial one`s life was, they had to see the death finally. One
may be extremely great in his living days, but what does it mean if he has to die after all?

Hitler who was once great and tried to get the whole world in his hands had to finish his
life by killing himself on 30 Apr. 1945. Just before the surrender of Berlin to his enemy, he
shot a bulletin through his open mouth knowing all was helpless and his men took him to
the lawn and poured the gasoline on his body and fired it. His top secretary of advertisement
Mr. Goebel and his wife also committed suicides with gun in the basement of their house and
their six children were poisoned to death.

In a weekly magazine we could also see a photo of General Erich Milke groping up the stairs
by a few centimeters a step with crooked back without his limousine and guard either, who
once as the head of Secrete Police of East Germany had a power to drop even the flying
Several of 19 living men out of all regular politicians and candidates of East Germany in the
old regime are now in prison. They are living among other simple criminals without any
privilege keeping all the rules of the prison with the minimum allowance of 60 hours`
take-a-walk a month.

I am not to say it is tragic to end up with one`s life by committing suicide. The life time
imprisonment will of course eventually see the end of it. The real problem is the everlasting
death, the fall to hell. This is the very curse. "And anyone not found written in the Book of
Life shall be cast into the lake of fire."(Revelation 30:15)

In Chapter 1 of Matthew, there is a wishful genealogy. We can see the names belong to the
world of Jesus Christ.
" ... Nahson begot Salmon;And Salmon begat Booz of Rachab; and Booz begat Obed of Ruth;
and Obed begat Jesse; And Jesse begat David the king; and David the king begat Solomon
of her that had been the wife of Urias." (Matthew 1:4-6)

Everybody wants to stand stately before God or before people. However, all the people who
are the descendants of Adam can not stand like that if without the grace of God. Some
people think that there are no man like David. But the reason for him to be in the list of
Jesus Christ was not because he lived his life perfect.
It should be described as more than wicked that David did take the wife of his royal man
Uriah one night and tried to conceal the sin by killing him in the battle field. David was also
another human doomed to the death if without Jesus Christ. God revealed his deep
wickedness and made him wordless man before God. Not his good deed but his wickedness
made him to receive mercy and grace of God.

The reason God sent us Jesus is to save the people who can never avoid the anger of God.
Therefore in the world of Jesus Christ there are only the people who had worn God`s grace.
There is no death in the world of Jesus Christ. While even the greatest people in the
genealogy of Adam could never win over the death but to be perished after all, the people in
the world of Jesus Christ are like the shining sun that shines ever brighter unto the perfect
day.(Proverb 4 :18). The man in the genealogy of Adam can be moved to the world of Jesus
Christ. If it would be ever done so once, one receives the blessing of everlasting life only
because of the fact that his name was written on it

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